Since we’ve been there many times before, we know your needs – even before you do – so we can set you on a confident course through life’s ups and downs.
We provide a direct line to counsel on what matters most to you, which is everything, since your wealth now touches every aspect of your life. We discover problems you may have never realized, and solutions you may have never considered.
From considering a new job to tying the knot to buying a home, we serve as your sounding board, problem solver and sanity check to make the most of your money and your life.
All in a namE
Our name is from the Latin word optas meaning “to make a choice from a range of possibilities.” We work with you, as you’re fitting into your new-earned wealth, to pinpoint the best possibilities for balancing your financial goals with your life goals.
How We Work
Who We Serve
We work with people who suddenly find themselves with a lot of money. People who realize they now need to manage their privacy, carefully navigate relationships, want freedom to work on their own terms and coordinate financial operations and decisions, all while processing what is happening on a personal level.
We work and build long term relationships with self-made earners who share our values of respect and relevance so we can offer spot-on guidance, service, and opportunity.
As we guide individuals and families through the various stages of first-generation wealth every day, we witness how breaking down social barriers can spark positive change within individuals, families and communities.
Reimagining a future where opportunity and stability are available to all, we seek to endorse three main causes: financial literacy, female advancement and universal access to basic human essentials.
Our charitable giving prioritizes providing individuals with the tools to overcome societal barriers and positively contribute to a more benevolent society.